Center for Meaning and Purpose


This program is an online only program offered through CSU and the department of Psychology. The program in designed to put positive psychology into action. Learn to apply its principles in leadership and life. Make an impact in organizations, schools, coaching, and counseling.

What is Positive Psychology

“Positive psychology is the scientific study of human strengths and virtues. It involves an attempt to move toward a more balanced perspective on human functioning that considers motives, capacities, and human potentials.”

The American Psychological Association

Advance with career opportunities

Gain essential skills for careers in schools, government, healthcare, consulting, or human resource departments that include job titles such as:

  • School counselor
  • Positive education consultant
  • Retreat coordinator
  • Meditation teacher
  • Chief People Officer
  • Chief Happiness Officer
  • Corporate Wellness Program coordinator
  • Life Coach
  • Human Resource generalist
  • Health psychologist
  • Behavioral Analyst
  • Change Agent

Create a meaningful life as you help individuals, communities, and workplaces thrive.

The Graduate Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology is offered through CSU Online.

All Colorado State University programs including the Graduate Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology are accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, a Commission of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges.  You can learn more about accreditation here.

While you may take any course within the GCAPP at any time they are offered, Admissions deadlines for enrollment to the Certificate are as follows:

For Fall enrollment, the deadline is July 15 of the same year (e.g., July 15, 2023, for Fall 2023 enrollment)

For Spring enrollment for the next year, the deadline is November 1 (e.g., November 1, 2023, for Spring 2024 enrollment)

Apply here

    Your Name (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Please give us details on the information you would like to receive in the space below:

    The GCAPP Program consists of completing four 3-credit courses from a selection of courses that we currently offer and will offer in the future. These courses can be taken in any order. All students must take PSY 500: Advanced Introduction to Positive Psychology and then select three other courses to complete from the following:

    PSY 522 – Positive Sport Psychology
    PSY 621 – Psychology of Calling and Meaningful Work
    PSY 623 – Positive Education
    PSY 624 – Positive Career Counseling and Coaching
    PSY 625 – Positive Organizations and Leadership

    “Quote from Bryan about the program” ~ Bryan J Dik






    Our program faculty information is available here.

    I have not yet applied to  or been accepted to the Graduate Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (GCAPP). Is it possible for me to the courses from the GCAPP anyway?

    Yes. You may take any of the individual courses you would like. If you later were accepted and enrolled in the APP Certificate program, you may count those courses toward the certificate according to the University transfer policy. Please note that successful performance in your course(s) does not guarantee admission to the program.

    Are all of the courses that count toward this certificate online?

    Yes, all of the courses that are included in and count toward the Graduate Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology are presented online.

    Are the online courses included in the certificate self-paced and on-demand?

    Yes, with the exception that graded assignments and exams have deadlines throughout the semester. This helps students stay on track and be able to discuss the course material together or even study together. Other than that, the course materials can be accessed on demand and you can learn from them at whatever pace you choose.