Greetings from the Industrial/Organizational Psychology Program

at Colorado State University

Spring 2024

Message from the Program Coordinator

Image of Gwen Fisher

Dr. Gwen Fisher

Hello from Fort Collins, Colorado!
We hope this newsletter finds you doing well!
Change has been in the air at CSU. Previously we introduced our three new I-O faculty. For those who haven’t heard, CSU recently welcomed a new President, Amy Parsons, and Provost, Dr. Marion Underwood. Our Dean, Dr. Jan Nerger, served as the Interim Provost and returned to the role of Dean, College of Natural Sciences, in January.

We are excited to connect with many of you at the 2024 Society for I-O Psychology
conference in Chicago later this month. Please read on for a list of presentations by CSU
faculty and students, and please join us on Thursday April 18 from 6-8pm at Mother
Hubbard’s Sports Pub, located at 5 W Hubbard St, Chicago, IL 60654! Appetizers will
be served and you are welcome to bring your significant other(s) and invite your friends
and colleagues! Many thanks to graduate students Brittany Lynner, Kinjal Chheda, and
Shelby Davis, for organizing this event on behalf of our program.

A few years ago we increased financial support for student research at CSU by supporting 2-4 projects per year with awards of up to $1500 per project named in honor of former CSU Professor and Department Chair Dr. Kurt Kraiger. This year three students received Kraiger Research Awards: Shelby Davis, Chloe Goldman, and Ryan Lizerbram (see p. 8 for the titles of their research projects). Previous recipients include Julia Beckel, Rachel Perpich, and Annika Benson.
All of our graduate students who will be attending SIOP and one of our undergraduate students in the honors program and I-O concentration, Olivia Detry, received funding to support their travel from the Jeanette N. Cleveland SIOP Travel Award. Additional program awards will be announced this spring.

Congratulations to Brittany Lynner, an outstanding 4th-year graduate student in industrial-organizational psychology and occupational health psychology trainee in the NIOSH Mountain & Plains Education and Research Center who has been awarded a $25,000 scholarship from PEO International, a philanthropic organization where women support the advancement of women.

Have you wondered how you can help our students? We have a few scholarships in our department that are awarded to support doctoral students in I-O psychology, and are in need of donations to sustain them. We hope you may consider making a donation to support these scholarships. Read on to learn how to contribute!

In this edition, we are pleased to share updates from two of our alumni, Drs. Emily Livorsi and Janet Peters. If you would like to let us know what you have been up to or would like to nominate a fellow CSU alumnus to be featured in a future newsletter edition, please drop me a line at


SIOP 2024 Presentations

The following is a list of presentations by CSU I-O students, faculty, and alumni, to be presented at this year’s Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.

Date Time Location Presentation
Wed, 4/17 8:00am-12:00pm, 1:00-5:00pm TBD Praslova, L., Colley, K., Sanderson Allen, K. (2024). Beyond the buzzwords: Neurodiversity inclusion and better work for all. [Pre-Conference Workshop]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Wed, 4/17 12:00-12:50pm Asynchronous/Pre-Recorded Kidwell, K.E. & French, K.A. (2024). Living a calling in older adult workers [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Wed, 4/17 12:00-12:50pm Asynchronous/ Pre-Recorded Finch, H. M., Prasad, J. J. (2024) Future self-continuity and goal progression cross-lagged panel model. Poster to be presented at the Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Thu, 4/18 9:00-10:20am Swissotel Vevey 1/2 Lynner, B. (Co-Chair), Dik, B. (Co-Chair), Beckel, J., Bologna, D., Calvo, A., Cawley, B., Colley, K., Cox, G., Duffy, R., Luse, W., Mendelson, R., Mueller-Hanson, R., Pohlman, R., Prasad, J. Price, N., & Shepherd, B. (2024, April). DIY KSAOs: Career exploration for I/O graduate students. Alternative Session Type accepted to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Thu, 4/18 10:30-11:20am Hyatt Exhibit Hall Benson, A., ^Willis, C., Colley, K., Prasad, J., Powel-Rudy, T. candidates. [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Thu, 4/18 10:30-11:20am Hyatt Exhibit Hall Goldman, C. B., Levey, Z. J., DeCesare, A. D., Walmsley, P. T., & Thibodeaux, H. F. (2024). Examining the effects of experience on a biodata instrument’s predictive validity. Poster presented at the 39th meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Thu, 4/18 10:30-11:20am Swissotel Zurich EF Gardner, D. M. (Chair), Regina, J., Salter, N. P., West, D., & Perpich, R. A. (April, 2024). Broadening insights on the LGBTQ+ work-life interface. [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Thu, 4/18 10:30-11:20am Swissotel Zurich EF Perpich, R. A., Fisher, G. G., & Gardner, D. M. (2024). Investigating the relationship between LGBQ+ supportive organizational practices and work-life balance among LGBQ+ employees. In D. M. Gardner (Chair), Broadening insights on the LGBTQ+ work-life interface. Symposium to be presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Thu, 4/18 10:30-11:20am Swissotel Montreaux 2/3 Fletcher, K.A. Mental health in the workplace: Looking forward. In Haas, J. B., Erickson, J., & Seyfang, E. (2024). Igniting SIOP’s Top Workplace Trends with I-O Thought Leaders [IGNITE]. Session presented at the 39th meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Thu, 4/18 10:30-11:20am Swissotel Zurich C Stoa, R., (Co-Chair), *Detry, O., (Co-Chair), *Castro, D., (Panelist), Gurung, R. A. R. (Panelist), Dziuba-Liu, C., (Panelist), Siuta, R. L., (Panelist), Spooner, M. (Panelist). (2024, April). Low hanging fruit for high research ROI? Mentoring undergraduate research assistants [Alternative Session Type]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Thu, 4/18 2:00-3:20pm Hyatt Ballroom S CD Chheda, K., Horan, K., Jex, S., & Pace, V. (April, 2024). Effects of workload on creativity: The moderating role of trait mindfulness. In M. J. Fila’s (Chair), Advancing new approaches to stressor appraisal. Symposium to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Thu, 4/18 2:00-3:20pm Swissotel Vevey 1/2 Ahmad, A. S. (Co-Chair), McCauley, R. (Co-Chair), Cheung, H. K., Fletcher, K., Hideg, I., Offermann, L. Reynolds-Kueny, C., Hatif, H. S. (Non-Speaking). (2024). Caring for caregivers: Experiences and solutions to support caregivers in academia [Panel]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Thu, 4/18 2:00-3:20pm Hyatt Ballroom B Ragsdale, J. M. (Co-Chair), Hockensmith, K. (Co-Chair), Barber, L., Eatough, E., French, K. A., Montgomery, G., & Nigam, J. (2024). Zooming to a halt: The future of flexible work arrangements and digitalized work [Panel]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Thu, 4/18 5:00-5:50pm Hyatt Ballroom A Stark, H. P. (Co-Chair), ^Brossoit, R. M. (Co-Chair), Dimoff, J. K., Lynner, B. N., Toaddy, S. R., Fisher, G. G., Dik, B. J., Olson-Buchanan, J. B., & Vera, D. (2024, April). Set fire to the silos: Igniting interdisciplinary research and practice in I-O. [IGNITE session]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Fri, 4/19 8:00-8:50am Hyatt Ballroom S CD Napper, C. N. (Co-Host), Hines, S. (Co-Host), Ferreras, A., Colley, K., Stilson, R., Pelosi, E., Stevenson, A. (2024). LIVE: Directionally Correct Podcast With Special People Analytics Guests. [Alternative Session Type]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Fri, 4/19 9:00-9:50am Hyatt Exhibit Hall Kistler, L. D., Goldman, C. B., Bricka, T. M., Reck, T., Burnkrant, S. R., & Walmsley, P. T. (2024). The how (well) of leadership: Using NLP to explore themes in managerial performance. Poster presented at the 39th meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Fri, 4/19 9:00-10:20am Swissotel Montreaux 1 Russell, D.P. (Co-Chair, Panelist), Samo, A. (Co-Chair, Panelist), & Dik, B. J. (Discussant), (2024). Working on purpose: Discussing current and future directions for meaningful work. [Alternative Session]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Fri, 4/19 10:30-11:20am Swissotel Zurich AB Den Houter, K. M., (Co-Chair), Kemp, A. (Co-Chair), Camden, L., Childers, M., Clancy, R. L., & Hedrick, K. N. (2024). A scientist-practitioner approach to improving experiences of neurodiverse candidates [Panel]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Fri, 4/19 2:00-2:50pm Hyatt Exhibit Hall Kedharnath, U., Frieder, R., & Henle, C. (2024). Understanding turnover intent after workplace ostracism [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Fri, 4/19 2:00-2:50pm Swissotel Zurich D Wood, K., Badr, K., Bennett, M., Sziedell, N., Shasky, C., Specht, M. (Chair), & Wessels, J. (Co-chair). (2024). Navigating talent trends: Insights from industry leaders. [Alternative Session Type]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Fri, 4/19 5:00-5:50pm Swissotel Zurich C Zhou, S. (Co-Chair), McCauley, R. (Co-Chair), Fletcher, K., Grabarek, P., Islam, S., Kath, L., Nelson, K., Rogelberg, S., Sawyer, K. Wiese, C., Yost, P., Morel, J. (Non-Speaking). (2024). Speaking up for your research: How to communicate your findings to a broad audience [Alternative Session]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Fri, 4/19 5:00-5:50pm Swissotel Zurich D Lynner, B. N. & Prasad, J. J. (Co-Chairs) (2024). Authenticity at work: Multiple pathways to well-being [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States. Lynner, B. N., Prasad, J. J., Benson, A. B., Gardner, D. M., Bolund, S. (2024). The role of authenticity in confronting workplace interpersonal mistreatment. Jean-Baptiste, T., King, D. D., & Burrows, D. N., (2024). The important role of policy in employee intersectional authenticity. Davis, S., Prasad, J. J., Gardner, D. M. (2024). Evaluating the bi-directional relationship between authenticity at work and job satisfaction. Chheda, K. J., Gardner, D. M., Beckel, J. L. O., Prasad, J. J. (2024). Authenticity at work: Predictive nuance via a dimensional approach.
Sat, 4/20 8:30-9:50am Hyatt Grand Hall H Garcia, S. C., Fletcher, K. A., Burnett, C. E., & Drose, C. J. (2024). Great expectations: Employee caffeine and nicotine use to meet leader demands. In Wiese, C. W. & Dhanani, L. Y. (Co-Chairs) (2024). Substance use and work: An intersection in desperate need of research [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Sat, 4/20 8:30-9:50am Hyatt Ballroom N CD Michel, S. (Co-Chair), Barratt, C. L. (Co-Chair), Frame, M. C., Hebl, M., Henle, C., Hunger, J., & Tews, M. (2024). The current state and future of modern discrimination research [Panel]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Sat, 4/20 11:30am-12:20pm Hyatt Ballroom N CD Dineen, B. R., Duffy, M. K., Henle, C., Lee, K., & Stevenson-Street, J. M. (2024). Does it matter how I search? How job search strategies relate to proximal and distal career outcomes. In Slaughter, J. E. (Co-Chair) & Zhang, Z. X. (Co-Chair). (2024). New directions in research on recruitment and job search [Symposium]. Society for Industry and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Sat, 4/20 11:30am-12:20pm Swissotel Zurich D Schoffel, M.K., Smith, C.E., Waiwood, A.M., Allen, T.D., Hughes Miller, M., French, K.A., Kim, E., & Centeno, G. (2024). Early to bed, early to rise…? Sleep/wake timing profiles and work-family balance. Symposium presentation at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.
Sat, 4/20 2:00-2:50pm Swissotel Vevey 1/2 Moran, L.H., French, K.A., Andel, S., & Lukjan, K. (2024). Occupational callings, workaholism, and spousal interactions. Symposium presentation at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.
Sat, 4/20 2:00-2:50pm Hyatt Ballroom B Fisher, G. G. (2024). Disengaging from engagement. In Costanza, D. P. & Rudolph, C. W. (Co-Chairs). (2024, April). RIP2: More Constructs and Concepts Past Their Expiration Dates. [Alternative Session Type]. Presentation at the 39th meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.

Please join us for an evening of connecting and celebration!!!

CSU Reception at SIOP!

April 18th at Mother Hubbard's Sports Pub at 5 W Hubbard St

Colleagues and significant others are welcome!

Program Awards will be announced at 7pm!

I-O Program Work Updates

Recent Publications:

Allen, T. D., Hughes Miller, M., French, K. A., Kim, E., & Centeno, G. (2023). Faculty time expenditure across research, teaching, and service: Do gender differences persist?. Occupational Health Science.

Allen, T. D., Hughes Miller, M., French, K. A., Kim, E., & Centeno, G. (2023). Gender differences in tenure-track faculty time spent on childcare. Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 16, 211-214.

Beckel, J. L., Kunz, J. J., Prasad, J. J., Finch, H. M., & Kaldahl, K. N.^ (2023). The impact of telework on conflict between work and family: A meta-analytic investigation. Occupational Health Science, 7, 681-706.

Brossoit, R. M.^, Crain, T. L., Leslie, J. J., Fisher, G. G., & Eakman, A. M. (2024). Engaging with nature and work: Associations among the built and natural environment, experiences outside, and job engagement and creativity. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1268962. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1268962.

Dik, B. J. (2023). Understanding work as a calling: Contributions of psychological science. Christian Scholars Review, 52, 29-50.

Dik, B. J., Daniels, D., & Alayan, A. J. (2024). Religion and spirituality in the workplace: A review and critique. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 11, 279-305.

Dik, B. J., & Kraiger, K. (2023). Three steps to drive student retention through career development services (e-book). San Francisco, CA: PeopleGrove.

Dik, B. J., & Alayan, A. J. (2023). Meaningfulness and religious/spiritual meaning systems at work: A multi-level framework. In E. Davis, E. Worthington, & S. Schnitker (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality (pp. 429-443). New York: Springer.

Dik, B. J., Steger, M. F., & Mercurio, Z. (2023). Meaningful work, calling, and occupational health. In Tetrick, L.E., Fisher, G.G., Ford, M.T., & Quick,

J.C. (Eds.) Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology, 3rd edition (pp. 5-22). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Duffy, R. D., Perez, G., Dik, B. J., & Marsh, D. R. (2023). Work as a Calling Theory. In W. B. Walsh, L. Flores, P. Hartung, F. Leong, & M. Savickas (Eds.) Career Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Fisher, G. G., Chaffee, D. S. & Petery, G. A. (2024; in press). Research using archival data (2nd ed.). In P. Brough (Ed.) Advanced research methods for applied psychology: Design, analysis, and reporting. New York, NY: Routledge.

Fletcher, K. A., Friedman, A., & Wongworawat, D. M. (In Press). Understanding emotional intelligence to enhance leadership and individualized wellbeing. Hand Clinics.

Image of Shelby Davis and Kurt KraigerShelby Davis snapping a selfie with Kurt Kraiger, former CSU I-O psychology faculty member and namesake for the Kraiger Research Award, at the inaugural Blacks in I-O Psychology Conference in Atlanta, GA!




Recent Publications (cont.):

Ford, M. T., Fisher, G. G., Tetrick, L. E., & Quick, J. C. (2023). Occupational health psychology today: Research themes, reflections, and looking to the future. In Tetrick, L.E., Fisher, G.G., Ford, M.T., & Quick, J.C. (Eds.) Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology, 3rd edition (pp. 667-677). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

French, K. A., Liu, S., Ohannessian, C. M., & Tennen, H. (2024). Daily fathers’ work-to-family spillover and adolescent interactions: The role of mother involvement. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

French, K. A., Agars, M. D., & Arvan, M. L. (2023). The shift flextime scale: A measure of flextime availability, use, and consequences for shift workers. Journal of Business and Psychology.

Huh, J., Arpawong, T. M., Gruenewald, T. L., Fisher, G .G., Prescott, C. A., Manly, J. J., Seblova, D., Walters, E. E., & Gatz, M. (2024; in press) General cognitive ability in high school, attained education, occupational complexity, and dementia risk. Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

Kidwell, K., Clancy, R. L., & Fisher, G. G. (2023). The devil you know versus the devil You don’t: Disclosure versus masking in the workplace. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 16(1), 55-60

Kunz, J. J., Fisher, G. G., Ganster, D. C., Gibbons, A. M., Graham, D. J., Schwatka, N. V., … & Newman, L. S. (2023). The relationship between stress and sleep sufficiency in the context of varied workplace social support. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002902. PMID: 37278150.

Lynner, B. N. (2023). The R.O.A.D. to recovery-friendly workplaces.  SIOP White Paper.

Lynner, B. N. (2023). Critical race theory as a guide for white I-O psychologists’ reflection and reflexivity. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 16(1), 121-124.

Mattingly, V.^, Grice, S., Roberson, A., & Colley, K. (2024). Using data to build more diverse, equitable, and inclusive startups. In N. Blacksmith & M.E. McCusker (Eds.), Data-Driven Decision Making in Entrepreneurship (Chapter 8). Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.

Tetrick, L. E., Fisher, G. G., Ford, M. T., & Quick, J. C. (2023). Introduction: Public health and prevention in occupational settings. In Tetrick, L.E., Fisher, G.G., Ford, M.T., & Quick, J.C. (Eds.) Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology, 3rd edition (pp. 5-22). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Uzunbacak, H. H., Yastioğlu, S., Dik, B. J., Erhan, T., & Akçakanat, T. (2023). Changes in nurses’ sense of calling during the Covid-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. Journal of Career Development, 50, 709-726.

Recent Presentations:

*Castleberry, G., *Ramirez, T., Fletcher, K. A., French, K. A., & *Willency, S. (April, 2024). Confident in care: An analysis of employee confidence in abortion care benefits versus health and wellbeing benefits. Rocky Mountain Psychology Association, Denver, CO.

Chheda, K., DiStaso, M., Lee, J., Horan, K., Shoss, M., & Mejia, C. (November, 2023). Disparities in COVID-19 layoffs and furloughs in the hospitality industry. Poster presented at the APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work, Stress, and Health Conference, Virtual.

Colley, K. (2023). Valuing Neurodiversity: An underutilized aspect of talent management. (Keynote). USC Marshal Center for Effective Organizations.

Colley, K., Napper, C., Williams, D., Dawson, L., Jested, N., & Eagles, J. (2023). Where is People Analytics Going? People Analytics Meet Up. (Panel). Denver, CO.

Cougoule, N., Colley, K., Owens, M., & Barboza Barela, A-R. (2023). Empowering employees of all identities to thrive in flexible work environments. (Panel). Zoomtopia. San Jose, CA.

Colley, K., & Ervin, M. (2023). Modern Workplaces and Age Diversity.  Zoomtopia. (Live Media Interview). San Jose, CA.

Davis, S. N., *Olave, K., Bryant, C. & Gardner, D. (2023). The Development and Validation of a Code-Switching Scale Poster presented at the APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work, Stress, and Health Conference, Virtual.

De Leon, R., Christy, A., Stoa, R., Underill, B., & Jayne, A. (2024, June). Unveiling the crisis: Decoding the working conditions of doctoral engineering students and the call for decent work [Paper]. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR, United States.

del Pozo, E., Stoa, R., Lynner, B., Lizerbram, R., & Fisher, G. G. (2023, November). Examining burnout among occupational therapists. [Paper]. APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work, Stress, & Health conference, Virtual.

Dik, B. J. & Kraiger, K. (2023, November). Choosing a career: The science of finding purpose through interests and values. Invited webinar (delivered virtually) to PeopleGrove, San Francisco, CA.

Dik, B. J. (2023, August). HEXACO and career development. Invited workshop (delivered virtually) to University of North Carolina-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC.

Dik, B. J., & Steger, M. F. (2023, July). 5 steps to discerning a calling or meaningful work. Podium presentation at the World Congress on Positive Psychology, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Fiaschetti, S. R., & Clancy, R. L. (2023). Navigating the murky middle: Mid-level leadership development. Kayo Conference Series: Women’s Private Equity Summit, Miami, FL, United States.

Finch, H. M., Ferland, M., Jayne, A. (2024) Teaching with Tomorrow’s Tech: How to Integrate ChatGPT into the Classroom. Symposium presented at the Professional Development Institute at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Fisher, G., Stoa, R., Clancy, R., Perpich, R., Mills, M., *Kelley, N., & *Diederichs, E. (2023, November). Development of the Perceived Organizational Support for Work/Life Balance (POSWLB) Scale. Poster presented at the APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work, Stress, & Health Conference, Virtual.

Fisher, G. G. (2023, November) Welcome Address. Co-Chair for the APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work, Stress, and Health Conference, Virtual.

Fisher, G. G. Closing Plenary. (2023, November). Co-Chair for the APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work, Stress, and Health Conference, Virtual.

Fisher, G. G. (2024, March 1) Identifying and addressing burnout. Invited presentation for the Colorado School of Public Health faculty.

Fisher, G. (2024, March 29). Job Characteristics, Cognitive Functioning, and Worker Well-being. Invited presentation at University of Utah.

Fisher, G. G. (2024, January 11). Job characteristics and worker well- being. Arizona State University School of Nursing. Invited presentation.

Image of Ryan LizerbramRyan Lizerbram presenting a portion of his initial thesis findings at the inaugural APA Division 10: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts Conference in Denton, TX!





Recent Presentations (cont.):

*Holland, T. & Stoa, R. (2024, April). Paying it forward, pays dividends for graduate students? Distinguishing constructs and exploring the outcomes of mentoring undergraduates [Poster]. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO.

Jayne, A., Underill, B., & Dik, B. J. (2023, August). The call to sell: A qualitative exploration of calling for religious women in multi-level marketing. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

Jayne, A., Dik, B., & Stoa, R. (2024, August). Can calling help and hurt? The links between imposter phenomenon, perfectionism, and calling [Poster]. American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. [Under Review].

Kunz, J., Fisher, G. G., *Boustred, R. (2023, November). Occupational Health Psychology item generation and validation results. APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work Stress & Health Conference, Virtual.

Kunz, J., Fisher, G. G., *Boustred, R. (2023, April). Industrial/Organizational Psychology item generation and validation. Poster presented at the Mountain and Plains Education and Research Center Research Day Symposium, Denver, CO.

Little, J., Lizerbram, R.; Kath, L.M., Shefa, Z.; Haight, K.R.; Rivkin, A. (2023, November). Smiling through pain: Effects of patient-initiated violence in children’s hospitals [Symposium]. APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work, Stress, and Health Conference, Virtual.

Lizerbram, R. & Fisher, G.G. (2024, March). Designing work for employee flow, creativity, and well-being: Initial discoveries [Poster]. APA Division 10: Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts Annual Conference, Denton, TX, United States.

Lynner, B., Stoa, R., Lizerbram, R., Fisher, G. G., & del Pozo, E. (2023, November). Occupational therapists’ job demands and use of job crafting to mitigate burnout. Paper presented at the APA/NIOSH/SOHP Work, Stress, & Health Conference, Virtual.

Stoa, R., *Diederichs, E., *Casey, A., *Halbert, A., Underill, B., & *Ramirez, T. (2024, April). Exploring the link between psychological capital, motivation, and adverse work behaviors among certified veterinary technicians [Poster]. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO. [Under Review].

Tankersly, A., Fletcher, K. A., Burnett, C., Drose, C., & Garcia, S. (April, 2024). Leader initiating structure and follower neuroticism and job demands: A test of path-goal theory. Rocky Mountain Psychology Association, Denver, CO.

Kraiger Research Award Recipients:

Shelby Davis

The Development and Validation of a Code-Switching Scale”

Chloe Goldman

“An Examination of Psychological Mechanisms Mediating the Relationship between Email Incivility and Task Performance“

Ryan Lizerbram

Going with the Flow: Employee Flow Experiences Across the Creative Profession Spectrum”

Grants Received:

Fletcher, K. A. (PI). French, K. A. (Co-PI). EAGER: Understanding how Employees Discover and React to Health and Wellbeing Benefits. Grant funded by the National Science Foundation (Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace). $299,655.

Fletcher, K. A. Healthy Work Podcast: EAOHP Spotlight funded by the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Small Grant. €2,000.

Goldman, C. Department of Psychology Success Grant.

Stoa, R. (PI). Fisher, G. G. (Co-PI). Addressing Newcomer Adjustment, Well-Being, and Safety through Organizational Support and Self-Determination Theory. Pilot project program grant funded by the Mountain and Plains Education and Research Center, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. $13,601.

Doctoral Candidacy Portfolio Presentations:

Brittany Lynner

 Milestones Proposed:

Chloe Goldman (Dissertation)

“An Examination of Psychological Mechanisms Mediating the Relationship between Email Incivility and Task Performance“

Annika Benson (Dissertation)

Predicting the Paycheck: Using Machine Learning to Understand Determinants of Income

James Kunz (Dissertation)

Examining Science/Knowledge Gaps within Occupational Health Psychology, Organizational Training, and Performance Feedback

Ryan Lizerbram (Thesis)

Going with the Flow: Employee Flow Experiences Across the Creative Profession Spectrum

Brittany Lynner, Chloe Goldman, Annika Benson, James Kunz, and Ryan Lizerbram who each recently presented their doctoral candidacy portfolio presentation, or proposed a milestone research project. Congratulations!

Image of graduate students


Benson, A. L. & Lynner, B. L. (2023, September). Participants in Procter & Gamble Industrial-Organizational Psychology Business Challenge (IOBC). Cincinnati, OH, United States.

Colley, K. (2024). How to make others Feel Safe Self-Disclosing Aspects of Their Identity at Work. (Blog). Mattingly Solutions. feel-safe-self-disclosing-aspects-of-their-identity-at-work

Colley, K., Napper, C., & Hines, S. (2023). Neurodiversity and future of              work.      Directionally            Correct.   (Podcast).          Worklytics. si=3TZiTnyOSOu6UfZ6uGCG9g

Reed, L., & Colley, K. (2023). For neurodivergent Zoomies, inclusiveness means being their best selves at work. (Blog). Zoom.

Kraiger, K., & Dik, B. J. (2023). Computer implemented method for personal attribute valuation and matching with occupations and organizations. U.S. Patent No. 11,657,357. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Opportunity to Contribute to CSU I-O Graduate Scholarships!

Did you know that the Department of Psychology has two dedicated scholarships for I-O doctoral students? In your time at CSU, perhaps you benefited from the Charles & Martha Neidt Award (named for former CSU Academic Vice President Dr. Chuck Neidt, active in Human Factors research and methodology, and his wife Martha) or the I-O Graduate Fellowship (intended to support I-O students more generally). These scholarships have been an important source of supplemental funding for students for years, but the endowments are starting to run low, and we are currently able to award only token amounts to our deserving students. Can you help us replenish them?

To donate, start from; before you indicate an amount, click the “Support Another Fund” link and then choose “Charles and Martha Neidt Graduate Award” or “Industrial/Organizational Psychology Graduate Fellowship” from the drop-down menu. Click on the amount you’d like to give in the second set of green boxes to ensure that it goes directly to the scholarship you choose. You can also contact any of the program faculty, we’re happy to help! We appreciate your generosity in paving the way for the next generation of CSU I-O psychologists!

Alumni Spotlights

Dr. Emily Livorsi

Emily Livorsi (pictured right, ’15) is a Vice President at Catamount Constructors where she leads HR, Talent Strategy, and Culture Development in a 100% employee-owned environment. Emily enjoys the diversity of her role in a growing fast-paced company. Prior to her role at Catamount, Emily worked in consulting with a deep focus on leadership development, executive coaching, succession, and team development. Across her roles, her most rewarding experiences have been mentoring and developing her teams. Emily resides in the Denver Metro area and enjoys spending lots of time with her two young daughters and husband camping, hiking, skiing, and equestrian sports.

Image of Emily Livorsi

Image of Janet Peters

Dr. Janet Peters

Janet Peters (pictured left, ’14) holds the position of Associate Professor and serves as the Director of Instructional Excellence & Innovation at Washington State University Tri-Cities. Her favorite class to teach is undergraduate statistics, in which her students complete service-learning projects as they learn about data analysis. In her role as director of WSUTC’s Instructional Excellence & Innovation program, Janet oversees teaching development opportunities on her campus. Her signature faculty development program is Equity Academy, wherein faculty use disaggregated course data to identify and address potential equity gaps in their classes. In 2023 she was named a top Young Professional by the Tri- Cities Area Journal of Business. Outside of work, Janet spends time with her family and enjoys the outdoors of the Pacific Northwest.